Battle Warriors - white paper

—— About us ——

Battle Warriors is a NFT gaming franchise focused on empowering collectors and creating a platform where players will be able to use their warriors to have fun and earn treasure! Our platform will allow you to use your NFTs across a multiple games and quests.

Staking and crafting along with games and questing will allow players to earn treasure and new items to climb the leaderboards. And while having a mechanism to earn is great the focus will always be on FUN, if your not having fun than what's the point, play-to-earn is just another job, Play-AND-Earn where you get rewarded for having fun is the only way forward.

— Meet the team —

Andrew Marks —

art & Game development lead

Andrew is our projects art and game development lead. He holds a Masters of Arts degree from Sotheby's Institute of Art and a Masters in Information Systems and Technology and is passionate about the emerging intersection of Art and Tech. Art has always been his passion and for years he has used his art to create mobile games for his daughter and her friends. Most recently he worked for Northrop Grumman as a software developer for the space division helping create interfaces for command centers.

Come join us on discord and feel free to ask him if he thinks aliens are real!

Discord: @Ragnar Redmane

Twitter: @andrewmarksart


Lead Development

Kobold is our lead solidity and software developer and an absolute gaming fanatic! He's been working in the gaming industry for 10+ years with mobile gaming start ups, as a Disney Imaginer, and even some super secret stuff at Northrop Grumman (even we aren't allowed to know what he does there). His love of gaming and tech, he's done some really cool AR/VR stuff, is a perfect mix to help us develop and launch our NFT gaming platform.


Disclosure — we have a few more team members with extensive experience in mobile app, brand, and game development. Due to current conflicts with work on other projects they need to stay anonymous at this time.


Story Overview

  • Chapter 1

    In an uncertain time ruled by chaos the people looked for hero’s who could save them. Thus various factions were formed where warriors tested there abilities to see who would become the peoples champion!

    Chapter 1 is about discovery and exploration, starting with Act 1 and our first faction Vikings of ETH, upgrading your warriors, and staking to earn treasure.

    Act 2 will bring us Pirates of SOL, mini games, quests, and the leader board. Here players will be able to compete to see who is the strongest, craft new weapons and build the largest armies.

    Finally Act 3 will bring the Knights of AVAX, boss fights, and multi player modes. In the competing factions only one may rule over the others and friends will have to band together to make sure they are on the winning side.

  • Chapter 2

    A dark force awakens bringing new and terrifying monsters to challenge our warriors. Old enemies will have to join forces and new allies will emerge to try and fight back this new evil.

    Chapter 2 is all about cooperation, where as we introduced competition between factions in Chapter 1 now the factions will have to join together.

    Act 1 will bring new factions such as Ninjas, Samurai, and Aztecs along with monster quests.

    Act 2 will bring us companions and pets, more games and player driven story developments. Depending on how players act will determine the final act.

    Act 3 is resolution and sees a demonic god enter our world, warriors will need to join forces and conduct raids to beat back the evil hoards. Depending on how players act the world will either fall back into chaos or rise to be a beacon of hope.

  • Chapter 3

    Will the world fall into darkness splitting the warriors and even factions into good vs evil?

    Or will the world be saved and grow into a vision of beauty and prosperity… but even in this world there are those that may fall to corruption.

    Finally, if the demonic god was defeated or rules his presence has opened a portal to magic… What new mystical faction will appear?


Warrior basics

Battle Warriors is an NFT based gaming platform. In order for players to participate they will need to collect warriors, Vikings of ETH is the first faction available and some examples are shown below. What makes Battle Warriors so great and unique is that the warrior you start with doesn’t have to be the warrior you end with, ALL warriors can be equipped or unequipped with new items and leveled up.


On 02/20/2022 Vikings of ETH will be launched with 1,111 Viking warriors. All Battle Masters in our discord are on our White List and will have 24 hour early access to mint up to 5 Viking warriors and up to 10 Greater Item chests. Each Viking minted will have a minimum of 7 items/traits and be higher leveled characters.

All warriors have a special trait called “Rank Points” (RP) and this stat determines the warriors Rank, below is a list of the ranks a Viking can achieve, the RP needed to achieve that ranks, and the chance of minting a Viking of that level

  • Gods —> 2,000,000 RP’s —> not available at mint, can be won through quests and contests after launch.

  • High Kings/Queens —> 100,000 RP’s —> 0.5 % mint

  • Thanes —> 25,000 RP’s —> 2.25 % mint

  • Berserker/Valkyrie —> 7,500 RP’s —> 5.75 % mint

  • Marauder —> 2,500 RP’s —> 12.5 % mint

  • Viking —> 1,000 RP’s —> 25 % mint

  • Barbarians —> 200 RP’s —> 57 % mint

  • Trainee —> 50 RP’s —> only available after Vikings are sold out, FREE characters players can get and level up.

— Once all 1,111 Vikings have been minted Trainee’s will become available, these are warriors that are FREE to mint but have no items.

— Greater Item Chests give players the ability to collect new and better items (3-5 per chest) to upgrade their warriors, 5,555 will be available when the Vikings launch.

— Small Item Chests provide less and more common items (1-2) per chest, no cap on the number of chests.


  1. Vikings mint cost = 0.06 ETH

  2. Greater Item Chests = 0.03 ETH

  3. Small Item Chests = 0.01 ETH

  4. Trainee’s = FREE (just pay gas)


We want to be as transparent as possible about the launch so here is some addition information:

  1. 5 Vikings have been reserved for the Team, these will also be no greater than a Marauder rank wise.

  2. 106 Vikings have been reserved for Giveaway winners and marketing, 40 will be given away in contests leading up to the launch and then 10 will be given away when 33% of Vikings have sold, 20 more when we reach 66% sold, and 20 when we sell out.

  3. 16 remaining Vikings reserved for Giveaways will for after we are sold out to the winners of special events held in the 2 weeks after selling out.

  4. This leaves 1,000 Vikings available for the public sale.

  5. White Listed members will have 24 hour early access to minting and be able to mint up to 3 Vikings and 7 Greater Item Chests

  6. During the public sale there is no limit to the number of Vikings you can mint but only 10 can be minted at once

The Armory

Weapons, Armor, & More

Each warrior is fully customizable allowing players to equip and unequip various weapons, armor, physical traits, and backgrounds.


  • Weapons break down between 1 and 2 handed as well as main hand and off hand.

  • There are 7 basic weapons classes: daggers, swords, axes, spears, hammers, bows, and shields.

  • Each class has various different strength items, for example: Axes have throwing, small, large, heavy, and powered heavy axe.

  • From the Axes above, throwing and small are one handed and warriors can have 2 equipped or mix with other one handed weapons.

  • Two handed weapons, such as a heavy Axe, can be broken in half giving a little less in stat bonuses but allowing the warrior to use it as a one handed weapon.


  • Armor falls into 8 different categories: Gloves, Boots, Belts, Helmets, Shirts, Pants, Cloak, and Shoulders.

  • Like weapons, each element has various different levels but here most of that comes from items being powered.

Stones of Power

One element that provides players with more customization in not just the look of their warrior but the warriors abilities are the 9 “Stones of Power”

  1. Power— increase strength.

  2. Rage— increase damage, decrease defense.

  3. Poison— damage over time.

  4. Magic— magical shield and attack boost.

  5. Love— stun and reduce enemy damage.

  6. Luck— increase critical hit and evasion.

  7. Healing— heal damage over time.

  8. Death— very low accuracy, one hit kill.

  9. Vampiric— Heals when damage is dealt.

Starting with a plain dagger and then showing what each powered dagger looks like.

Certain legendary weapons will be able to use multiple stones, 1 primary and the others as secondary.

levels and rarity

Levels and rarity play an important part in helping players level up their warriors.

  • Rarity:

    • Common

    • Uncommon

    • Rare

    • Legendary

    • Mythic

Item list for Vikings of ETH launch

Each item can be leveled up by combining the same item.

  • Levels

    • Common = up to level 9

    • Uncommon = up to level 7

    • Rare = up to level 5

    • Legendary = up to level 3

    • Mythic = up to level 2


Rank Points —&— Warrior Stats

  • Base warrior stats

    All warriors have 10 base warrior stats: health, accuracy, strength, magic, attack, defense, critical hit chance, luck, agility, and stamina.

    Rank Points (RP) are the resource players can use to customize their warriors base stats. Items will provide RPs that players will be able to spend how they see fit to build the perfect warrior for the quest or game they want to play.

    In games and quests, item stats and powers will modify the players chosen base stats, for example if a helmet provides 50 RPs and the player wants to use all of those points to increase their warriors Attack stat they will still get a defensive boost for the armor they are wearing. However if a player is “out of balance” using all defensive items to boost attack, they will see there stats reduced. Its up to the players to find the best combination of RPs to achieve their goal.

  • Rank points & EXP

    Above is an example of 2 different Ranks, a “Trainee” and “Viking” and how a player might want to set up “Thief” warrior.

    You can see the RP bar on the top of the card, that shows up how close the warrior is to the next Rank (here that rank would be Marauder at 2,500 RPs)

    Each item will give your warrior RPs to spend on stats but you will also be able to get RPs directly from chests and quests which is the fastest way to level up your warrior.

    Games and Staking will also provide your warrior with RPs and TREASURE to help you reach the next rank faster. RPs from chests, quests, games, and staking are just like all other items meaning they can be transferred to your other warriors. So you can mint an army of Trainee’s to stake and quest with to farm RPs for your main warriors!

— Treasure —

We can all see the promise that NFTs and Crypto can bring to the gaming space and there are some incredible Play-To-Earn projects out there. We feel that FUN is really missing from a lot of these other games and franchise and we aim to be Play -AND-Earn. The most important thing is that we make games that are fun to play, and reward jour players and collectors.

Our token name and details are being finalized so for now we will refer to the token as TREASURE and want to lay out a few key details it will play in our ecosystem.

  • Staking

    Players will be able to stake all of there warriors in the Arena at the training grounds. Each warrior will earn a multiplier based on their rank, for example a Trainee will get a 0.5 multiplier while a Viking will get a 2x multiplier.

    In addition to the rank multiplier there will be a 0.1 multiplier for each warrior staked together, the more warriors the more TREASURE.

    Finally there will be a time factor, the formula is still being worked on but it will be similar to a sigmoid function where rewards start off slow but ramp up quickly before leveling off. Hopefully this will incentive players to stake for longer but not just leave their warriors staked indefinately.

  • Questing

    When players complete quests they will earn a set amount of treasure.

    Initially questing will be based around collecting, such as collecting a “Greater Item Chest” and “Small Item Chest” , or collecting one of each of the swords of power, or simply equipping and unequipping items.

    Once games start being launched quests will start to focus on achievements and being active.

    Additionally we will slowly start rolling out story based quests and there are some hints in the roadmap overview above as to what those might be.

  • Game play

    The most common way to earn TREASURE will be by playing games, and not just signing transactions but actually playing.

    Mini games will all have single player modes and most will have multiplayer modes. For multiplayer games the wining player will earn a bonus and the losing player will earn less.

    There will also be challenger modes for most games where players can wager there earnings in the hopes of greatly increasing their winnings but at the cost of getting nothing.

  • Selling Items

    As you grow your army and warrior arsenal there will be times you don’t need your items or have crafted items you already have. While you could use these to level up other items players can also sell back items to the Shops in the Market Place.

    This doesn’t just give a useful way to earn extra buy crafting and selling or selling old items, our aim will be to have this provide a stable price floor for in game items. Instead of going to OpenSea or another NFT market place and paying a fee or commission to sell something that is very illiquid and volatile players can sell to our Marketplace for TREASURE with no fees and a stable price.

 More details coming soon about:

  1. The Market where you can buy and sell items

  2. Banners and passive yield/earning

  3. The Arena and the basic types of games our warriors can be used in

  4. On chain data, open sourcing for art assets, and IP rights for all collectors.